Sunday 27 March 2011


So i'm just polishing a bottle of white off... well half a bottle. Tom and I went on a bit of a wine spree yesterday after work, in which, we picked up a Viognier.

I first discovered Viognier back in the Margeret River. I sampled a glass at the Watershed winery and fell in love. It was unlike any wine i had tasted before. Whites i had had previously had always tasted one dimensional (not that i knew what i was talking about then), but this, this was something else. I was fairly half cut when i tried it, but i remember it changing my whole perspective. This was when i knew i wanted to get deeper into the knowledge of the grape!

Im on my last glass of this bottle of 2009 Arrogant Frog, Lily Pad White Viognier and it has been another dissapointment. That first sip, even that first smell of that Watershed Viognier was full of beautiful Apricots and Peaches and i remeber thinking how wonderful it would pair up with a sunny day and friends. Arrogant Frog, promises, and i quote "
undoubted rich fruit flavours of dried apricots". Maybe there is a hint of apricots hidden in there.. somewhere, but to me its way more citrusy on the palate and the after taste is quite perfumy.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Why Wine?!


My name is Lisa, and i have discovered, as many of us do, (and should), an interest in wine. I say discovered, i'm 25 and have been enjoying alcohol for over 10 years now. Thats right, i was once a underage drinker with nothing better to do on saturday nights than drink cheap beer. But alas, i have now started to develop, what i hope will turn into something of a passion. So lets not give up on the kids just yet!!

Im from England and i escpaed the finiacial crisis of 2009 to travel (part of), the world and have been living in Australia for almost a year now with my partner of 6 years, Tom. I remember when we arrived and rented our first place in Perth, WA, Tom had just gotten into reds and we bought a bottle of shiraz to celebrate, Lindemans i think. It was good.. i kept the bottle to hold my bangles.

It was a room in a house share, our place, and we lived with a few other couples. They introduced us to the backpacker legend that is 'Goon'. Needless to say, we spent most of our six month stint in Perth enjoying a glass or 2 most nights.. well at that price, why the hell not!?! For those of you are yet to discover this heavenly tipple, Goon is boxed wine. Its named after the Aboriginal word for 'Pillow', as this is what the bag of wine inside the box resembles. We tried all kinds, from 2litres of basic 'red wine vinegar', for $10 to some of the better Yalumba and Banrock Station ranges.

Towards the end of our stay in WA, we took a trip to the Margaret River wine region. I had always wanted to learn about wine, to know what im tasting, what im smelling and what goes well with what im cooking. This was early Oct 2010, its now March 2011 and i have been to 8 wine regions in Australia and have 30 empty bottles of wine sitting on our fridge.. all part of my learning curve.

Im no expert, im not a snob, im just a girl who enjoys a glass of wine! I'm looking to enjoy it more by learning the complexeties of what else is in the glass and share it with who ever wants to listen. I know a lot of people who are close to me are going to think we're not going to be able to go out for a drink now, without me swirling and sniffing and talking notes and aromas.. dont think that!

Im the same girl who had to bring her friends in in shifts to keep her company on an all day drinking session she decided to do in the middle of the most important year of her degree... maybe not with the same stamina as back then, but thats me all the same.

So if you'd like to join me, and help me, on my wine education, read on! If not, then take care and be merry!